Our organization has one part-time paid administrator. That’s it for paid staff.
We exist on the ethos of our members to give back to the community and to “pay it forward.” With gratitude for the support each of us received from earlier members when we were in crisis, we all give our time freely to ensure that these tools and support are available to the next generation of struggling parents.
We moved entirely online since COVID and have remained that way to this day. Sure, we miss the personal interaction, but we host Seattle-area social events periodically and our online presence has enabled us to expand out of WA state, with members now drawing from 22 states!
In order to communicate to new members and the community at large that we are sustained by volunteerism, we created an animated video. It emphasizes our culture of giving back and also provides a good overview of our program and how it works. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/wAr5SLftM1A?si=GRF9UdPBLllleMy4
If you are a parent or guardian struggling with a teen or adult child exhibiting oppositional defiance, destructive or harmful actions, truancy or other concerning behaviors, we can probably help. We’ve lived through these and much more and share our experiences, not advice. We’ll help you set and maintain boundaries, stop enabling your child, and move your home from Chaos to Calm. We’ve been doing this for 28 years, and thanks to our volunteers, intend to be around for a good, long time.
Contact our information line at 888-468-2620 to determine if we’re the right support mechanism for you.