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You Can’t Shock Us

For Parents in Crisis

Our Core Philosophy

You can’t control what your kids are doing, but you can change the home and family dynamic by changing your own behavior.

Changes offers a proven program with robust resources and tools, support, and education to help parents struggling with children engaging in oppositional and self-destructive behaviors.

You will find Changes to be a supportive, non-judgmental environment, and you will receive support to create a plan specific to you and your family.

What we are:

  • A confidential, nationwide, supportive community of parents and caregivers that have experienced all manners of family discord and acting-out child behavior – you literally can’t shock us
  • A structured support system with time-tested resources and tools and the ability to contact another member 365/24/7 for support
  • A collection of hard-earned, experience-based learnings, where we share what worked and what didn’t for us
  • A resource to help you create a plan customized for you and your family
  • A registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization; while we gratefully accept donations, we do not charge for our meetings or support in any manner

What we are not:

  • A crisis or rescue hotline
  • Professionally-trained therapists or counselors
  • A resource if you expect a “quick fix,” “tips and tricks” or advice
  • Anonymous. We maintain and expect 100% confidentiality from
    our members, but we use our real names in meetings and when
    supporting other members

Latest Updates from Changes


“Parents and families of those suffering need supportive resources as well. Changes Parent Support Network transforms lives.“

Stacy Plaisance
National Business Development at Northbound Treatment Services

"Being part of this community has given me so many tools and so much support the past 2 + years. I don't know that I could have survived as a parent without it."

Changes Member
mother of acting-out adult daughters

“Our son was using drugs, drug dealing and failing school. The group helped me by confronting me about the ways in which I was enabling our son to continue his destructive behavior and they suggested changes I needed to make.”

Changes Alumnus
Father of 15 year-old son

“At the height of my son’s drug abuse and violence, it was becoming clear that one of us would be dead and the other would be in prison. The only question was: who was who?...CHANGES helped me change my behavior in order to help my son.”

Changes Member
Father of (now) adult son

Support Changes Today!

Your gift to Changes assists us in sustaining our vital operations, programs, and services. And helps us reach more parents, grow public awareness, and educate our communities to the challenges Changes parents face.